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Join the Cars Iceland family

Start earning today!

Become an affiliate

Are you a social media influencer or do you have a website with high traffic and engagement? In that case, becoming an affiliate and bringing car rental bookings to us will add a good chunk to your monthly earnings. Keep reading for more information!

Perks & advantages

What’s in it for you?

Becoming a Cars Iceland affiliate means that for every booking you secure through your unique affiliate link, you’ll get no more and no less than 7% of the total reservation value. The more you promote our rental cars, the closer you’ll get to owning your own Lambo, so copy your unique affiliate link and paste, paste, paste!

Perks & advantages

Signing up is easy

All you need to do to start raking in the cash is...

Step 1

Step 1


We’ll provide you with a unique affiliate link to share with your audience.

Step 2

Step 2


Word of mouth is very powerful, and even more so if you have a loyal and active follower base.

Step 3

Step 3


For every booking that comes through your affiliate link, your earnings go up! What are you waiting for?

Step 1

Step 1


We’ll provide you with a unique affiliate link to share with your audience.

Step 2

Step 2


Word of mouth is very powerful, and even more so if you have a loyal and active follower base.

Step 3

Step 3


For every booking that comes through your affiliate link, your earnings go up! What are you waiting for?

Tell us about yourself!

Social media account or website details

Please fill in at least one.

Step 1

Why Cars Iceland?

The real question should be: ‘Why not Cars Iceland?’! We’ve been in the Icelandic rental market for over a decade and we only work with the best local car rental companies on the island.

Our competitive prices and ‘quality over quantity’ philosophy translates to happy customers and great reviews, making your job as an affiliate that much easier. What is there to think about? Get ready to join our ranks and get rich while you’re at it!

Not convinced yet?

Frequently asked questions

  • The Cars Iceland Affiliate Program is all about sharing the love! We provide an easy and efficient way to secure an extra flow of monthly revenue by paying you 7% of every completed booking you bring in!
  • The key is to ‘promote the hell’ out of your affiliate link by placing it on the most relevant areas of your website. Visitors that click on it will be taken to, where they’ll come face to face with our products, and hopefully end up booking a car with us.

    Every unique click will be saved via a cookie for 30 days. For every one of these customers that ends up completing a booking will guarantee you 7% of their total reservation value.

  • Do you own a website, blog or travel-related social media profile? If so, here’s an imaginary Cars Iceland Affiliate jacket for you to wear!
  • That’s entirely up to you! We’ll give you 7% of the total value of every reservation that you secure via your unique affiliate link.