We Icelanders take great pride in our heritage and place great value on the preservation thereof. That’s why you’ll find all sorts of interesting museums, such as the Saga Museum, the Museum of Icelandic Sorcery and Witchcraft, and the Reykjavik Maritime Museum, that provide us with insights into the past. But one that truly transports you to the everyday life of an Icelander is Glaumbaer Turf Houses.

This article explores what makes Glaumbaer Farm and Museum such a special place and why anybody with an interest in architecture or history should not let this one slip through the cracks of their Iceland trip itinerary.

Glaumbaer Museum: An Introduction

Found in the Skagafjördur region in Northern Iceland, you’ll find what can easily be misconstrued as Hobbit houses. But these houses, with their turf roofs and walls constructed from timber and stone, actually marked an evolution in construction here on the island.

Glaumbaer Turf Houses: A Semi-forced Shift in Building Methods

Our Viking nation is often portrayed and thought of as violent warriors raiding countries and ravaging their lands. But the reality is that most Vikings were farmers and traders living normal lives on farms or in small villages.  Most of these permanent residents built and lived in what we call Viking Longhouses.

These houses were pretty impressive structures and probably something you’ve already seen on shows such as Vikings. But these buildings, which ranged between 20 and 50 meters in length, were heavily reliant on wood. Cue disaster! As time went by, the island suffered severe deforestation due to all the construction of boats and houses, and soon, wood became a scarcity.

Turf was not an entirely new concept in Scandinavia when it came to construction. But at this point, they began experimenting with building entire structures using mostly turf. Despite the turf houses not seeming quite as sturdy as the longhouses and there being a bit of extra dampness and leaks to deal with, the new construction method took off like a house on fire (pun not intended) and proved to be super reliable – some turf houses, such as the ones found at Glaumbaer, are over 250 years old!

The other interesting thing about this construction method is that the saying “keeping it in the family” was very prevalent here. Because the turf houses began needing touch-ups every 100 years or so while new houses were continuously being built, the construction of turf houses became generational knowledge. This was till the 1900s when the way we built started changing yet again.

Glaumbaer Turf Houses

Glaumbær and Its Colorful Past

According to archeological findings, a mere 30 meters from the main house, it was established that Glaumbaer has been a homestead ever since the first Vikings set foot on the island in 900 AD. Glaumbaer is also associated with one of the most impressive and famous families in Iceland.

Gudridur Thorbjarnardóttir and her husband left for Vinland (Canada), where they gave birth to what is believed to be the first European child born in the Americas. His name was Snorri Thorfinnsson. But, like so many immigration stories, adapting to their new life was not easy, and the locals were not fond of these foreigners. So, as conflicts grew, Gudridur convinced her husband to return to their home country. 

After a very long voyage, they finally settled at Glaumbaer. But the travel bug had definitely gotten hold of Gudridur, and she spent most of her life cruising around the world. Today, she is known as one of the most traveled women in the Middle Ages, with 8 sea voyages and multiple trips around Europe under her belt. In a time when such voyages took months or even years, Gudridur certainly was a woman ahead of her time.

In honor of her adventurous spirit and many successful travels, a statue of Gudridur has been erected at Glaumbaer. Her son Snorri’s legacy also didn’t just begin and end with being the first European born in the Americas. He seemed to keep up the tradition of firsts (well, at least when it came to religion).

Snorri built the first church in Glaumbaer, establishing Christianity as the dominant religion of the area. His descendants (who also continued living at Glaumbaer) became the first bishops in Iceland. A little further down the line, they are also credited for writing the first Christian Code of Iceland.

How the Glaumbaer Museum Came to Be

With hundreds of years’ worth of pretty impressive history, it’s no surprise that Glaumbaer was announced as a protected site in 1947. It exemplifies Iceland's commitment to preserving its unique architectural and cultural heritage. This historic turf farm, with its intricate network of interconnected houses, offers a captivating glimpse into the lives of past generations, reflecting the ingenuity and resilience of the Icelandic people in adapting to a challenging environment.

It officially became a museum in 1952 where people could literally take a stroll through the past. When visiting Glaumbaer and its interesting structures, take note of the following observations to get a better idea of what the Icelanders experienced and had to deal with:

  • These turf houses are not entirely stand-alone units as they may seem and are similar to what we understand as an apartment complex. All these houses are connected by a low corridor at the back.
  • Note the feel of the turf houses. As you can imagine, a house made of mostly earth and grass was not great when it comes to keeping moisture out, so the houses always felt a little damp and clammy inside.
  • The houses were heavily laden with soil on top of them, and some even built slightly underground. That means that natural light had a tough time getting inside, which is why the houses always seemed a little dark inside, as candles and lanterns were the only real sources of light.

Glaumbaer Icelandic museeum

The Structures and Buildings Found at Glaumbaer

The following is what you can look forward to once entering the Glaumbaer gates:

The Turf Houses

The turf houses predominantly date back between the 1750s and 1870s. These consist of 13 interconnected houses where the largest, the Badstofa, is probably one of the most interesting (and also the oldest). It’s here where friends and family would gather and spend most of their time when the depressing Nordic darkness fell during the colder months of the year. In modern terms, this would be considered the living room.

The Wooden Houses

Both wooden houses at Glaumbaer are not in their original positions (or even locations!). The two houses are called Áshús (the yellow building) and Gilsstofa (the grey/white building), with Gilsstofa being the older structure. Áshús has been dismantled and moved once in its lifetime and is now where you’ll find the Glaumbaer Exhibitions and a bite to eat.

Gilsstofa has been the biggest traveler of the two, having been moved multiple times between 1862 and 1891. It has also had quite the adventures, having been shipped across the coast and been dragged across the ice by horses - quite a feat for the two-story house with an attic.

Visiting Glaumbaer Folk Museum

The below information will help you plan your trip to Glaumbaer Farm:

Interactive and Seasonal Experiences:

Hands-on Activities:

  • Experience traditional crafts like weaving, knitting, or woodworking.
  • Learn about Icelandic cooking techniques and sample traditional dishes.
  • Participate in storytelling sessions or listen to live music performances.

Seasonal Events:

  • Christmas at Glaumbær: Immerse yourself in authentic Icelandic Christmas traditions, including festive decorations, Yule Lads stories, and traditional Christmas food.
  • Summer Festivals: Enjoy live music, folk dancing, and cultural demonstrations during summer festivals held at the museum.

Icelandic Wooden Houses

Virtual Tours or Online Resources:


  • 360° Virtual Tours: Explore the museum virtually from the comfort of your home with interactive 360-degree panoramas.
  • Online Exhibits: Access digital exhibits showcasing the history and artifacts of Glaumbær.
  • Educational Resources: Find educational materials for teachers and students, including lesson plans and online resources.

Getting to Glaumbaer in Iceland

You won’t find any public transport that will drop you off at Glaumbaer. Most tour operators or guides who will take you on a guided tour will also do so as part of a specially requested customized private tour. So, the easiest and best way to visit Glaumbaer is simply by driving there yourself. Directions to Glaumbaer are pretty easy if you’re coming from the direction of Reykjavik:

  • Head north on the Ring Road (also known as Route 1).
  • Continue for +/- 290 kilometers till you reach Varmahlid.
  • Turn north onto Road 75.
  • Continue for about 7.5 kilometers before reaching Glaumbaer.

Opening Hours at the Glaumbaer Turf Houses

Opening and closing hours at Glaumbaer vary, depending on when you’re visiting:

1 April to 19 May

7 Days a Week

10:00 – 16:00

20 May – 20 September

7 Days a Week

10:00 – 18:00

21 September – 20 October

7 Days a Week

10:00 – 16:00

*Any other times not mentioned here, you will have to make special arrangements with the museum beforehand and request that they open for you. Also, keep in mind that hours may change due to the weather (this is an outdoor venue, after all), unforeseen circumstances, and public holidays, so it’s always wise to call ahead before visiting.

The Price of Admission at the Glaumbaer Turf Houses

Entry fees to Glaumbaer are as follows:

  • Adults (those 18 years and older) = 2,200 ISK ($16/€14.80)
  • Children (those under 18 years) = Free
  • Students, seniors, the disabled, and groups of 6+ people = 1,900 ISK ($13.85/€12.75).
  • The Glaumbaer guided tour for larger groups = 2,200 ISK ($16/€14.80)
  • A Glaumbaer private tour for a group of up to 12 people (this also includes their admission fees) = 15 000 ISK ($109.20/€100.60)

Glaumbaer Folk Museum

Time to Drive Into the Past at Glaumbaer

Now that you’ve got the lowdown on Glaumbaer, all the interesting things on site, and its importance in our Icelandic heritage, the only thing left to do is check out these incredible structures for yourself. Since you’ll have to drive yourself to Glaumbaer, the easiest and most convenient way to travel will be by renting a car in Iceland. So, plan your trip, rent your camper, and start making your way back into the past here at beautiful Glaumbaer.